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Available in: Actual Window Manager, Actual Window Guard, Actual Title Buttons, Actual Window Menu.

As its name implies, the Align action provides the automatic horizontal and vertical alignment of the target window. There are nine predefined alignment modes to automatically position your window on the desktop:

Top-Left Aligning Mode
Top-Center Aligning Mode
Top-Right Aligning Mode
Middle-Left Aligning Mode
Middle-Center Aligning Mode
Middle-Right Aligning Mode
Bottom-Left Aligning Mode
Bottom-Center Aligning Mode
Bottom-Right Aligning Mode

You can also specify horizontal and vertical shift values to force the precise, incremental positioning of windows on your desktop. For example, to position a window exactly 100 pixels over to the right from the left edge of the desktop and 150 pixels up from the bottom edge of the desktop you should select "bottom-left" and specify a horizontal shift value of 100 and a vertical shift value of 150. Alternatively, you can define these values as a percentage of the corresponding desktop size in either dimension. Both positive and negative shift values are allowed. (Note that a numeric value not preceded by a value sign is understood to represent a positive shift and the "+" plus sign may be omitted, while a negative shift must always be preceded by the "-" minus sign.) The following tables show how the positive and negative value signs affect window positioning in the various alignment modes:

Horizontal shift

Value Sign + -
any-Left to the right to the left
any-Center to the right to the left
any-Right to the left to the right

Vertical shift

Value Sign + -
Top-any to the bottom to the top
Middle-any to the bottom to the top
Bottom-any to the top to the bottom

Hint  To obtain pixel-precision positioning of a window select top-left (the origin) and specify your shift values in pixels from there.

Related actions: Resize, Change Run Mode.

Possible triggers: Title Buttons, Window Menu, Startup.

 Copyright © 2002-2007 Actual Tools. All rights reserved.
 Last modified: June 19, 2007.